Tuesday, October 12, 2021

 It was another successful PT session yesterday.  I knew I'd be seeing Russell, an unfamiliar sub (from another location?) and was especially pleased with his attention since in addition to foot manipulation he included massage of my lower back/hip/glute area.  Not sure if that'll actually help, but sure felt good despite pain in all the 'usual' spots.

Checked my phone as I was leaving, and found a text from the exterminator. He was running ahead of schedule and wanted to know if it was okay to come early.  It was - though I beat him here by only a couple of minutes.  

Alex and Greta were at the house when I arrived (they'd brought over laundry.)  Didn't get too much of a chance to talk with them, but sounds like their Utah trip was a success.  I have seen some Instagram clips of Alex traversing a slot canyon so narrow he had to hold his pack over his head just to squeeze through.   This one almost looks wide in comparison to 'his'!

I wanted to start on some zig zag placemats yesterday.  The pattern that I had in my hand on Sunday (it was one of the ones I showed Mary) has obviously vanished into thin air. 

Despite searching through that stack of quilting 'Saves' at least three times (because it had to be there!) I still haven't located it.   

I did have fun cherry-picking through my lumberyard two-by-fours, and then cutting the needed pieces to accompany them from my white-on-white scraps.  But when it came time to lay out the blocks I drew a blank; nothing seemed to work.  Luckily a search on-line brought up this:

 I simply needed to lay out the blocks on point.

By last evening we were experiencing some very noisy wind.  

Though the yard and pool were quite a mess this morning, it doesn't appear as if the wind brought along even a single drop of the "possible" rain mentioned on last night's news.  

It was still fairly nippy (not even 60) by the time it got light this morning and I ventured out to make Creepy happy and seine the worst of the leaves from the surface.  Since it's supposed to get even cooler today/tonight maybe I can get Alex to set up Pokey's Palace today?

This morning I woke at 3:45, which (though on the seriously early side) still seemed too late to take something to go back to sleep.  At least I have plenty of time to get some sewing done before the gym.

Started off with Tom's favorite yardwork pants, for which a previous repair did not hold.

By the time he thought to request an 'update' (ignoring this very truthful adage!) it will not be an easy fix.


So it's doubtful how well my very limited "skills" will work this time.

Next is to get to work on the Book Nerd blocks. 
My next post COULD have pix!

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