Wednesday, October 13, 2021

 Four of my Book Nerd blocks done as of last night!

After dark, when Pokey had already parked herself by the back door (seemingly looking for entry into the warm house) Alex got her crate set up.  This morning I snapped a photo - but through the window, and which meant that I needed to turn off the flash.  The resulting longer exposure probably <g> explains the blurry "Halloween-y" effect.  

Enjoyed my morning at Foothills, as usual.  Today I turned in one completed charity quilt and a number of tops (including a doll-sized one) and the ladies liked all of them.

Joan and Ruth shared their fun Halloween quilts during Show & Tell:

Early in the afternoon I started trimming the hedge between the hot tub and and drive-through, and made serious headway; the organics can is just about full again.

Then Brownie and I were off to Mary's to deliver a quilt pattern and other smiles.  She worked on a fabric basket while we chatted, and got me jazzed to (finally!) start one of my own soon.  I certainly have more than enough scrap strips! 

Tom smoked a brisket today for Alex's birthday dinner.  

And yes, it did taste as good as it looks!

Alex's birthday isn't actually until next week, 
but since we thought he'd be elsewhere then we were celebrating tonight.

But as it turns out he will be around on Tuesday, so he'll open his gifts then.

After dinner Greta hoped to watch some of the family videos - but when we tried it seems that our DVD player is no longer working.  And of course the newer lap tops no longer come with a DVD slot.

Alex drained the hot tub this afternoon, and plans to power wash it tomorrow.  
Soon it'll be refilled I'll be back in business!

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