Monday, August 23, 2021

 They DID have cilantro (though labeled as coriander) at the nursery yesterday.  All three herbs were quite rootbound, and my pots were actually too small; obviously I need to look for some new ones.

We experienced a power outage Saturday afternoon around 4:00.  The first thing I did was to try calling some neighbors, because if it was just us without power WE would have to do something about it.  But if it had shut down at other places it wasn't our problem (sort of) to solve.  The first three neighbors I called didn't answer their phones, but the fourth time was the charm.  And yes, Cassandra (behind us) confirmed that they, too, had just lost power.  

I then called APS to report it, though the automated answering loop did not seem to have an option to enter our address.  At least the outage was very short-lived, maybe 10 minutes, so we weren't  inconvenienced (other than having to reset the clocks.)

This morning I walked all the way back to set the main irrigation gate (slow going, but do-able), and also pulled some weeds out of the tree trough in preparation for tomorrow's irrigation.  Also turned Creepy right-side-up so he could do this thing this morning.  

Mary came over this morning, and we got to visit for about an hour before I had to head off to PT.  My foot is a little sore from that, but that's to be expected as I work hard at rehabbing it.; today I had them up the weight on the leg press.

The guys were busy today.  Here's Alex smoking chicken -

while Tom was waiting his turn to use the smoker. 
Dinner turned out delicious - even w/o bacon on mine.

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