Monday, October 5, 2020

 Brownie spent his morning hanging out at Alex's with Vera.  When I got word that my Rx was ready to be picked up I texted Alex to see if Brownie wanted to go for a short ride.  

Since the answer was (the expected) "yes" I drove back there to pick him up.  I chuckled when Alex brought Brownie out and announced, "Your Uber is here."

Though Brownie is always ready to hop in the car, at less than a mile to the pharmacy drive-thru it really wasn't much of a ride. Still, I didn't hear any complaints.

After his short ride I dropped him back to hang out with Vera again before heading on to my next errands, to Michael's (where I eventually found velcro to 'fix' the car visor), PetSmart (they are still out of Brownie's afternoon food) and Target (I always have a list for there!)  

At least I only had to park once.

When Brownie appeared through the dog door later I figured he'd brought along my computer tech guy, but as it turned out Alex wasn't with him.  Maybe he forgot about helping with the printer?  

In any event I decided to try to connect it on my own, 
but <sigh> ran into a problem during very first step.

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