Thursday, May 28, 2020

Yesterday, shortly before the water arrived, I collected the latest crop of downed grapefruits and also checked on our peaches.  While they have started turning a nice rosy peach color, they are still quite hard and not ready for harvest.  However the birds have already sampled a couple of the un-netted ones, and no doubt will continue to do so.  Here's hoping the net experiment will prove highly successful at reserving the bulk of the crop for us without any bird pecks!

Last evening Tom took Brownie out for his walk since I didn't want to risk getting tangled up in the leash with one hand busy on a crutch and the other with a flashlight.  

While Brownie did take care of "some" business, 
he also kept pulling his old trick of lying down on the job.  

With high heat today (it was already toasty even though I took Brownie out quite early) I expect the water to soak in quickly, and hope that this evening I can just monitor him in the backyard.  Of course should he spot something to chase and tromp around in the muddy perimeter <sigh> I will have to rinse off his feet, an activity he doesn't appreciate.  Sure hate having the dog door closed off every two weeks now for irrigation, but at least this time of year it should be less of an issue.

I was actually surprised this morning that more of the water hadn't soaked in yet, but the day's high heat should help with that.  Pokey was also out and about early this morning, patrolling along the fence line.

This morning I put in my first order with Chewy (for a couple of cartons of Brownie's wet packet food) to see how that goes.  It's a little more expensive than going to PetSmart - but of course much handier.  There was the usual disclaimer about deliveries possibly taking longer than usual because of Covid19, so if the package doesn't arrive in a timely fashion I may still need to make another in-person trip to PetSmart.

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