Wednesday, December 25, 2019

After the gym yesterday I did remember to swing by the insurance office, but it was closed for the holidays.  I'll have to take care of that errand when they reopen on Thursday.  

As predicted it continued raining throughout the day, with a few very short breaks.  Never did see Brownie venture out on his own, though of course he might have when I was gone to the gym.)  So during one hiatus I took him out, whereupon he did provide the grass with additional watering.  IF I could teach him this trick he wouldn't have to go outside during inclement weather.

I encountered an issue with the TV yesterday when the movie picture shimmered and froze. Changing channels allowed me access to its audio to hear other programs, but the screen remained on the frozen shot.  Turning the TV off and then on again didn't work; the same frozen picture appeared each time I turned it back on.  At that point I got Tom to see if he could figure out the issue so he tried various things.  We both had though maybe the TV itself was dying, but other HTMI "stations" worked, and the TV in the bedroom was working just fine (that little cable box feeds off the main one) so eventually we called COX.  A reboot fixed the issue, whatever it was.

Alex came over for candles (his third gift from me was a check, mine from him was an assortment of  fluffy hand towels to go with the bath towels I got from him for my birthday) and then he and I whipped up dinner.  Afterward, armed with the 'new' Netflix password (which I'd neglected to change on my cheat sheet, so that had been the problem the night before) we were able to watch the Breaking Bad movie.

Didn't see Mom's e-mail until this morning.  

Another change in plans! Tonight's do has been cancelled. Sierra is better but now Gordon has a high fever. Emily's sister is pregnant, Emily's Dad is in his eighties and I’m ancient and have been sick or recuperating  most of the year; seems right to me; If all the kids get it, Emily will think she’s still working in the ER. Sandy and Andy are bringing dinner here and we’ll open presents; I hope they bring Pippa.  Will keep you posted; I’m still flexible as can be.

Now it's time to get the turkey prepped and into the oven.

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