Monday, February 25, 2019

I know I'm easily confused by technology...

but I am quite good with numbers!   So I have to wonder if there is a different numbering system in Thailand?  LOL!   One of my purchases yesterday was a package of new undies...

Had a nice chat with Linda this morning while soaking (she's the only person I can call that early in the morning) and then another one with Patti.  They bought a house (outside of Lexington, Kentucky) over the weekend, and my plan is to stop in the end of May when Marilyn and I are driving from Maryland to Texas.

This is one of the commercials from last night at the Oscars:

Speaking of Oscars, at first glance this dress Amanda Stenberg was wearing
seemed to be see-through, though it obviously was just a wonderful skin tone match.  I like it! 

This morning I delivered our old pots and pans to the back house (Alex requested them), and then "as long as I was in the neighborhood" I pulled some of the mallow and piled them in the pasture next door for the horses.  It's coming out SO easily (can't remember that ever happening, even after irrigation!) that I'm about to head out front and start a weed-pulling marathon.  I'm not likely to ever get to the finish line, though.

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