Monday, October 8, 2018

As it turned out, I didn't have quite enough flannel for backing the t-shirt quilt, so it'll be a trip to JoAnn's today for a little more.  Sure hope there's still some left of that pattern!  

Steve showed up yesterday with the hefty labor estimate for the ditch project.  Of course we knew our ditch would be much more labor intensive since we take water (unlike Tom or John upditch) and thus require lateral gates - but we were pretty stunned by the total.  Still, it's gotta be done, and we're pretty sure (after hearing other estimates that Tom Ford got) that Steve really is doing us a deal.  The big question is how long installing our line will take, and since nothing got done this weekend we're a little concerned that the project won't get finished in the remaining weekends before the next cycle.

I had planned a trip to the post office on my way home from JoAnn's to mail off a package to Colorado, filled with some birthday books for Terry and a wide assortment of Rockstar goodies for Michael (thank you, Alex!) until I realized that the post office will be closed in observance of Columbus Day.  So that errand gets shuffled off to tomorrow.

It was cool in the house when I got up this morning around 5-ish, and I actually felt the need to bundle up some.  Then did some more scraping/sweeping of the flagstone pathway to the hot tub, and trimmed back that smelly bush that was blocking a lot of it.  Getting ready for tomorrow's delivery!

 * * *

My brother just called with not-so-good news RE Mom.  She ended up in the ER in the wee hours after not being able to get out of bed, and this comes on the heels of an episode a few days ago when she woke up on the floor (passed out after trying to get out of bed?)  Luckily she didn't seem to have injured herself, but when she couldn't get herself up off the floor she needed to call Security.  There have been numerous "little" things this past year that have been worrisome, so it's becoming more and more apparent that at 91 she may need some help despite her denials.  

I understand she wants to remain independent, but something is going on that may necessitate some additional "supervision".   In the meantime I will work at getting my ducks in a row at this end in case I need to fly out to keep an eye on things and hold down the fort until the docs (and a possible battery of tests?) can figure out what's going on.

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