Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Once irrigation was flooding the property yesterday in the early afternoon (meaning Brownie's egress/ingress is temporarily blocked off) I had to take him out to do his business - and thus was able to monitor all progress in that department.  

When it neared bedtime and "nothing" had happened I fully expected him to take care of the important business at hand when I took him out for a walk at 9:00, crutch and all.  But he didn't, though there was the usual amount of sniffing and peeing.  

 I half expected him to wake me during the night - which happily he didn't. 

And even when I took him out first thing this morning 
there still wasn't any important action. 

He did keep me company after that while I did a substantial amount of easy weeding because we got so much water yesterday that it flowed to places it's never reached before.  (Of course there's still plenty of weeding left undone....)  I'm going to assume Brownie eventually took care of business when my attention was focused on the weeds and I wasn't directly supervising him.

The rest of my morning is free,
though this afternoon I'm off to see the cardiologist for test results. 

My expectation is that neither test showed any problems.

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