Friday, August 17, 2018

Enjoyed my time at Mesa Verde yesterday, and was grateful for the hazy cloud cover which helped keep the temps down.  Drove the rim, stopping at the various view points (and the museums - where I purchased a number of books.)

See the people on the rim for scale.

I left Cortez in the early afternoon, and made good time.  While I did run into some rain around Flagstaff, otherwise I had good weather and ended up driving all the way home.  Surprised Tom at 6:30 (did gain an hour after leaving Colorado) since I'd told him I wouldn't be home until today. 

He had planned to clean the house today (yes, it needs it) 
and have dinner ready tonight. 

Tom had yet more excitement this week.  

Greg, who boards his daughter’s horse next door and goes over periodically to exercise it in the pasture that adjoins our property, had stopped by the fence a while back when Tom was out by his rock pile.  They talked a bit, and then Tom had him over one day to see all his stuff.  This past Sunday Tom was out in the shop, and (luckily!) didn’t have any noisy machinery going at the time - so he heard Greg yelling, “No, no!” followed by the sound of a loud thud.  Long story short, he raced out to find Greg on the ground in really bad shape, and immediately called 911. Turns out Greg had broken his collar bone and 8 ribs (most in more than one place, some basically shattered and needing plates) and collapsed one lung.  If Tom hadn’t been around not sure what would have happened!  He visited Greg in the hospital yesterday, and it looks like a long recovery haul.

Well I sure got an early start today!  

Woke up at 3:30 (even Colorado time, 4:30, would count as early.)  At first light I was outside, sweeping the porches/driveway (will be no sense sweeping and mopping inside if we just keep tracking all that crap in), and raking up branchlets from the yard before this afternoon's scheduled irrigation.  By 7:00 I had filled one trash can (and was dripping wet.)  Took a nice cool shower, and now that Tom is up and about I can unpack and do some stuff around the house this morning.  But as for finishing strong, I do expect to fade later this afternoon…

Great news from Mom, who saw the pulmonologist yesterday.

I went to the pulmonologist this morning (courtesy of Lyft) for a 3 week check. He was pleased with my breathing and progress, so much so that he gave me a 90 day prescription for the inhaler. I go back in six months which is another good sign.

I did give her a call this morning to let her know I was home, and heard about the latest crisis at Riderwood.  One of the elevators in her building has been out of service (for a week or so?) but as of this morning she was notified that the other one is also down for the count.  Obviously they MUST fix at least one of them ASAP; until they do, all those using a wheelchair, a walker, or a rollator (or just too old or out-of-shape to negotiate flights of stairs) are trapped in their apartments. Luckily Mom (who lives on the 6th floor) doesn't have anywhere she needs to go today - and has food in the apartment in case she can't get down to dinner tonight.

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