Thursday, February 10, 2022

 Joe fixed both doors yesterday, but the jungle gate wasn't going to be happy with the latch he brought.  He was planning to re-address that issue this afternoon - except that as of 9:15 this morning irrigation arrived. Since the yard will be under water for several days that job will have to be postponed.

When I went over to check on the food/water situation for Alex's quail yesterday, the door to their cage was open and (what a surprise?) all three were gone - though one had left another egg behind, making the current count 7.  Amazingly Tom was able to locate one of the birds (it was among the weeds under the trailer) and then actually catch it (without too much trouble.)  

And speaking of too much trouble... <g>

The remaining quail is back in the cage, and I also tightened up the loose screw on the latch.

Hopefully the suspected culprit, a big gray cat that's been lurking around,

won't be able to feast on the remaining bird.

The airport "shuttle" arrived home at 7:55, so setting the bread to finish at 8:00 was perfect timing.  

We enjoyed dinner and an evening of conversation - and I had to laugh at many of Lisa's childhood memories that she was sharing with Rob.   Brownie was bribed for attention with Pupperoni so he also enjoyed himself.

The gang left for Tucson on schedule this morning, around 8:30.  They will immerse themselves in the Gem & Mineral show for the next several days, returning "sometime on Sunday."

Irrigation arrived right on time this morning.  However this cycle's 'fun' included pulling out a dead chicken that was clogging the main gate.  

While I waited for it to be time to let the water go, I pulled huge weeds where the water had spilled out from the tree trough and saturated the ground.  Virtually all came out by the roots, always a plus. 

Then, after a shower, I was off for my mammogram.  Once back home I sat outside and read until it got a little too warm.  Today is supposed to be our first 80-degree day of the year, even though the official start of spring is still well over a month away.

Siri had been 'somewhat MIA' on my phone (translation: User Error), but last night Lisa helped me locate her.  When Alex called this morning to answer a question about the quail eggs I mentioned my problem to him. With a tone of voice that definitely signaled rolling eyes, he admonished, "Mom, there's only ONE BUTTON on your phone."  (I had only tried swiping 'here, there, and everywhere'.)  I did request half a point for remembering to "use" Siri, and he grudgingly gave me that.

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