Sunday, December 19, 2021

Yesterday I got all the remaining pile of fabric off of the couch - and most <g> actually put away where it belongs.  I am trying to be more discerning about what I keep, so the pile of "scraps" (which actually now includes some yardage) for Jessica is steadily growing.  A little did make it onto the remaining pile on the bed, but I plan to tackle much of that today.

I also squeezed the grapefruits that got trimmed off Friday, ending up with almost a gallon of juice.  It is delicious; I enjoyed a glass with dinner last night.  

I'll get to drink all of it since Tom is not supposed to have grapefruit due to one of his medications, but today I'll squeeze the oranges and will leave (most of) that for him.

While Tom was out in the shop yesterday I got his Christmas gifts wrapped.  There are no "biggie" gifts this year, but at least there's a happy little pile to open Saturday morning. 

In the afternoon I took a soak, thoroughly enjoying my greatly improved view.

Then I did some quilting, and now one small UFO is ready for binding.

The rash of early mornings again caught up with me, and shortly after dinner I took a nap - until 10:00, when I transferred from the couch to the bed.  After that long, late nap I found it quite surprising that I got a (reasonably) good night's sleep. Though I woke several times during the night, my last chunk of ZZZ didn't end until after 6:30.  

Does that mean I will be especially productive today?

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