Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Monday was a LONG day.  I was up even earlier than usual, so once I had my shower and some yogurt I headed to the airport.  Though traffic was heavy there were no real problems.  I dropped off the car, though the Lost & Found was locked so I couldn't check on my sweater.  The shuttle to the airport was 'waiting' for me, there was NO line at curbside baggage, and (as expected) there was no problem getting my boarding pass printed.  It did take a while at Security (because they only had one line open) and then I had to walk miles to my gate (possibly off the airport grounds...) but even after that long trek (when I had to stop and rest my foot a few times) I still arrived with several hours to wait before we boarded.  So my lunch was pretty much gone by the time we boarded.  Good thing they were serving Oreos... 

The flight seemed to take forever (we did spend an extra 45 minutes or so in the air due to the bad weather) and the turbulence was quite bad.  If we hadn't been belted we would have been tossed out of our seats at one point!  Eventually we landed, my luggage made the same trip, and Tom was there to pick me up.  We got more rain on the way home; he told me about the hellacious downpour we'd gotten earlier in the day (Flagstaff got snow!!!) and the back patio was still underwater when we got home.  Brownie was happy to see me, but had obviously bonded with Tom while I was gone.  

I just vegged until dinner, just glancing at the mail and never even opening my suitcases.  The only productive thing I did was make a (long) list of things to be done today.  Did call Mom when we got home, but she must have been at dinner so I just left a message.  I wanted to hear that things went well yesterday with the new aide, Cynthia!

Shortly after 6:00 (which my body thought was 9:00) I fell asleep on the couch "helping" Tom watch the basketball finals.  Since my snoring was interfering with his viewing pleasure he woke me and sent me to bed.  While I did wake up around mid-night, I was able to fall back asleep, and slept for another several hours.   

It was incredibly cool here yesterday, and actually chilly in the house in the evening.  I bundled up in winter sleepwear last night!  And it's going to stay unseasonably cool for the next week or so, with temps only in the 80s.  NO ONE will complain.... summer will arrive soon enough!

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