Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Tom was weed-eating on 37th Ave. yesterday when a black SUV came roaring down the street "going at least 50."  He expected to hear the screech of tires when it got to the stop sign and slammed on its brakes - but instead it just barreled on through without even slowing down.  As he said, someone could have been killed.  I know I've come close twice on our corner!

Winco was a happening place even early in the morning, but I was able to find most of what was on my list (and even managed to get out of there just under the $100 wire.)  Now I'm off to the gym.  

This afternoon have lots of things I hope to get accomplished, and then can "help" supervise irrigation in the late afternoon.  Did just text zanjero Terry to see if "someone" should "remind" our neighbors up-ditch to actually do what they are supposed to when they are supposed to.  Would hate for the front yard to miss out on water yet a third time!  Anyone can make a mistake once, but after the second time I tend to be less forgiving.

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