Friday, September 10, 2021

 The house cleaners were scheduled for this morning, so in preparation for nice, clean floors I swept the front and back porches (in hopes of keeping out at least some of our desert dirt), washed the rugs by all the doors (including Brownie's), and dragged the heavy kitchen mat outside to scrub it clean.

The crew arrived right on time, and while they spiffed up the house I took care of paperwork that had been piling up.  The timing was perfect, because they finished up just as I needed to leave for the gym.  Running later than I like (got there just in time) I managed to leave my ice water behind in the car.  

When I got home I tackled the Jackson Browne ticket headache.  Today was the day TIX had said tickets would be available to print, and sure enough I got an e-mail to that effect.

Your ticket(s) for An Evening with Jackson Browne are now available. Click "View Ticket(s)" to print.

Except that there was NO "view tickets" option showing anywhere on the e-mail.  (I even made Tom take a look to verify, just in case it really was there and I just missed it.)  I had actually called the 800 number on the e-mail, and was punching in the various options, when I decided to click on a TINY "image unavailable" box - and voila, there were the tickets.  So I was home free, right?

I turned on the printer, let it warm up a bit, and then clicked on the PRINT option - but nothing happened. Tried again, same result.  A search showed both ticket pages in the queue, the printer was loaded with paper (and full of ink), so I had no idea what to try next.  Tom suggested I give it some time (though it had already been at least 5 minutes) so I left and did some sewing.

When I'd finished attaching the borders it still hadn't printed, so I did the trouble-shooting option - which found nothing wrong.  Except that after it finished Tom came in and told me "something was printing."  I have no idea why it decided to work after the trouble-shooting, and while I am happy that eventually I got the tickets printed I am SO tired of these headaches whenever I want to print something.

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