Wednesday, February 5, 2020

I'm overdue for having my eyes checked at the ophthalmologist 
(and possibly getting new glasses.) 

Calling to make that appointment finally floated to the top of the list yesterday, when it turned out his first opening isn't until the very end of June.  But I'll be in Colorado then (helping with Neil while Terry attends a family reunion out of state) so I told the scheduler I'd be willing to see the other doctor there.   

Her first opening also isn't until the end of June.  I've scheduled my appointment for September (since I'm not sure how long I'll end up staying at the hot springs this summer) but did request having my name put on a list to call in case there are some cancellations between now and June.

Tom and Neil picked up Jimmy at the airport yesterday, the guys arriving home just in time for dinner - when my spaghetti was well-received.

I'll be having the leftovers for dinner tonight when I'm on my own; the guys are making their first run down to Tucson today and won't be returning until late tonight.

I have Busy Bees this morning (Monica will be returning the charity quilt to me, and Pennie is bringing one of her quilting rulers to demo for me) though I will need to leave early to make my CPAP appointment (originally scheduled for Monday, when it wouldn't interfere with anything.)

Mid-afternoon I have a haircut with Shelley, and Joy may pop over this afternoon to pick up a house key. That way she can be on afternoon feeding Brownie Duty should Tom and Neil head down to Tucson next week on one of the days when I'm at the upcoming VOS retreat.

Our internet went out yesterday afternoon (Marcie called because theirs was out also) and later the TV and phone also quit.  When I called COX I got a recording that service was out in our area but expected to be back up and running by 9:00.  Good thing I've got a good book (recommended by Marilyn) to read:

novel about past mistakes and betrayals that ripple throughout generations, The Guest Book examines not just a privileged American family, but a privileged America. It is a literary triumph. The Guest Book follows three generations of a powerful American family, a family that “used to run the world.”

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